Sound design Demoreel :

Cantata Necrotica

Sound design & Composition

Valorant : Raze Spells Redesign

Sound Redesign

Doudou Caillou ?! Trailer


Neon Genesis Evangelion Redesign

Sound Design

Belladonna of Sadness


Neutrik A1 - Feedback Samples

A roughly 10 min long recording of a Neutrik A1, an audio measurement equipment, producing some various feedback.
Mostly aimed at sound designer for UI and Sci-fi sounds.

I'm Leonard, a french sound designer for video games and animated movies currently based in Paris.
I thrive to create memorables sonic moments, to cater to your needs.
In 2023, I've graduated from the Suger High school with a bachelor in Audio-Visual, within the Sound specialty.As a side-gig, I also compose for some specials passion projects, using a blend of sampling and synth works. I'm very inspired by the 90's Japanese OSt's of Akira, GITS, and such.
I'm also a huge fan of action movies and video games, especially the souls series.
If you're interested in working with me, or just want to get in touch, I'd be glad to hear from you so we can start working on your project !